


賦語科技利用生成式 AI 技術,協助客戶進行「AI 轉型」。我們服務超過 50 家上市櫃公司,協助財報、年報、永續報告書的英文翻譯,接軌國際資金。同時也與台北市政府及神達資科合作,打造商業級 AI Chatbot,協助企業銷售、客服國際化。

Company Info

Bytelingo utilizes generative AI technology to assist clients in their AI transformation. We have served over 50 publicly listed companies, helping with the English translation of financial reports, annual reports, and sustainability reports to align with international capital. Additionally, we collaborate with the Taipei City Government and MiTAC to develop commercial-grade AI Chatbots, aiding in the internationalization of corporate sales and customer service.


賦語科技的 AI 平台 ByteLingo AI Platform 可協助客戶利用客製化生成式 AI 技術,快速翻譯多國語言的新聞稿、產品型錄、網站文章。另外,亦可透過檔案或網頁文本,即時生成可回答相關內容的 Chatbot,將生成式 AI 為底的智慧 Chatbot 落地於各種場域。我們利用尖端技術進行的新嘗試為打造「流程式 AI」,可協助點餐、銷售、問卷填答等進階應用。

Products Info

Bytelingo's AI platform, ByteLingo AI Platform, can assist clients in rapidly translating press releases, product catalogs, and website articles into multiple languages using customized GenAI. Moreover, we can instantly generate Chatbots that respond to related content through files or web page texts. Our exploration with cutting-edge technology aims to create "Process AI" that can be used to support ordering and sales processes.

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