


果核數位前身為遊戲橘子IDC、資安、系統及網路事業部門,目前為遊戲橘子(6180)和三商電腦(2427)等兩家上市公司合資的專業二類電信公司。我們擁有三地機房與國內主要電信業者建立直連網路(Direct Peering),提供7X24全時服務台灣多家頂尖的線上遊戲與數位內容公司。數十年豐富的資安防禦經驗,有專業團隊強化企業資安,提供進階威脅防護與手機App防護服務。雲端服務則高度整合虛擬與實體機房,以及安全即時內容傳遞,一站式全球服務,提供專業技術支援與顧問建議,評估客戶需求提供最適架構,建置佈署效益最大化。

Company Info

The mission of Digicentre is to take our more than 10 years of operational experience and use it to deliver premium IaaS and SaaS to digital content industry clients, allowing them to focus their resources more directly on providing great service to customers. Digicentre started as the IT department of a major gaming company: Gamania. Seeing the unique gifts and experience that could be offered to clients, the team began to branch out their IDC, security and integration services from there.


機房代管: 符合ISO 27001國際標準規範,並擁有三地機房與國內電信業者建立Direct Peering,提供線上遊戲/Streaming等級品質。獲得SOC評鑑特優,NOC與SOC全方位安全監控,提供 7x24 安全監控與第一線回應。 雲端服務: 一站式全球服務,具備ISO27001、ISO27017、ISO27018認證,7x24 NOC 維運與監控。 資安服務:數十年豐富的資安防禦經驗,並榮獲多項資安認證,能提供企業完整防護機制,避免駭客攻擊,提升系統防護能力,提供線上產業最強大的防護實力。 手機App資安:提供獨家防護技術,保護App不受到破解及外掛攻擊。

Products Info

IDC-Certified with ISO 27001, Digicentre uses secure, high-performance, and cost effective infrastructure. Cloud-Highly integrated local and virtual services designed for large-scale computing, certified with ISO27001、ISO27017、ISO27018. Security-Advanced threat protection strengthen your security with our experts' help. Our security experts are licensed with internationally recognized certifications. App Security - Protect developers from hackers.

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