



Company Info

Since its founding in 1979, Hauman Technologies Corporation has been dedicated to the Information Technology, Semiconductor, Optoelectronics (OE) and Photovoltaic (PV) industries, continuously develops products and solutions with specialized applications service to meet customers requirement. Hauman's headquarter is in Taipei-Taiwan with branch offices in Hsinchu, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. Hauman established sales, services, and supporting centers in Mainland China, as well as in San Jose, the heart of Silicon Valley in California, U.S.A. to serve vendors and customers alike.


主要營運涵括兩大領域: 「資訊網路應用服務」率先於1984年投入台灣資訊網路市場,不斷自資訊網路技術領先全球的美國地區引進各著名廠商的軟硬體設備,提供客戶各種網路及資安設備、伺服、儲存和軟體系統的整合規畫、技術諮詢、營運維護等應用服務。客戶遍及政府機構、大專院校、研究單位、金融機構及跨國企業。 「半導體/光電/光伏應用服務」提供半導體、光電、光伏(PV)製造設備、半導體及光電自動測試系統的銷售與技術服務,產品包括點測機、清洗機、封膠機、切割機、成型機、外觀檢測設備、IC測試機及超音波清洗設備,LCD Array測試機,晶粒點測機,晶粒分類機,晶粒切割機等。

Products Info

Information Technology Applications Network team provides applications services including planning, marketing, sales, installation, training, system maintenance. Semiconductor/ OE/ PV Applications Hauman's Semiconductor/ OE/ PV team offer products ranging from material, equipment, and automatic packaging and testing instruments, to the beginning and ending processes of semiconductor, optoelectronics and photovoltaic manufacturing.

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