


擎願科技(XCome)致力於企業行動管理(EMM/MDM)軟體研發與客製服務,透過在地服務我們提供了國際大廠無法比擬的專案彈性與高性價比的解決方案;客戶遍及台灣、中國、日本與法國等知名企業,並滿足各種產業應用,包含科技、餐飲、飯店與運輸業等各種應用的整合。於2018年更將推出含Cloud與On Premise版本的 EMM/MDM 解決方案,使企業透過單一平台全面管理網路中的智慧型手機。

Company Info

XCome is dedicated to providing the highly customized EMM/MDM service combines the advantages of flexibility and price-performance ratio. We have won the international customers from Taiwan, China, Japan & France to fulfill their EMM/MDM needs covering the industries of Hi-Tech, F&B, Hotel, and Transportation. In 2018, we will launch Cloud-based and On-Premise EMM solution to answer the market needs.


擎願科技企業行動管理 (EMM, Enterprise Mobility Management) 解決方案,具備了跨平台的整合能力,同時支援多種行動裝置的監控與管理,實現以單一平台全面管理網路中智慧型裝置的行動裝置解決方案。在知識密集的高科技產業,企業高度仰賴技術的研發與專利的保護,或是具有高度個資保護需求的金融業與快速流通產業,XCome EMM/MDM 管理平台將協助企業更深入的進行資料控管與追蹤。此外,在應用多元的服務業,XCome EMM支援將行動周邊裝置設定為公共資訊站,安全的提供旅遊、商用、醫療、教育等各方面使用,更可透過遠端控制,完全限制裝置所使用的功能與用途,呈現更多元的應用。

Products Info

XCome EMM/MDM solution enables monitoring and managing the mobile devices through a central interface to interact or limited the behavior & data on mobile devices by the enterprise needs. The diverse of EMM/MDM applications will resolve the IT problem to prevent company suffers a data breach through a comprehensive management. It also available to setup the terminals into KIOSK mode for updating business promotion. XCome EMM/MDM solution will empower your business with productivity & efficiency.

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