


雲端計算(Cloud Computing)、大數據(Big Data)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence),眾多的嶄新技術席捲了整個世界;BROBRIDGE 是由一群熱愛開放原始碼的專業人士組成。我們專注在Linux與Cloud相關產品開發以及資料中心及雲端基礎架構設計,尤以虛擬化、雲端自動化、架構維運、資訊安全、法規遵循為核心技術能力,建構貼近客戶所需的商品及服務,旨在提升客戶的整體商業價值。 創立之初,我們開發團隊專注於開放原始碼產品設計,從虛擬桌面系統開始,一步步往前邁進;而服務團隊專注於虛擬化、雲端自動化、架構維運等服務,以建構完整的技術服務供應鏈

Company Info

We know cloud, and we help our customers get the right solutions, for the specific project. Brobridge Co., Ltd was founded in 2016 by Armani Liao with the ambition to build a leading expert company within the fields of cloud solutions, open source software, and embedded Linux. It is important to define an appropriate CLOUD solution for each specific project, in order to successfully meet common competing product.


BROBRIDGE Desktop System 17 是一套企業級虛擬桌面平台。 近來,由於企業內傳統個人電腦(PC) 需要汰舊換新,又面臨控制成本及確保合規法遵、管理能力和安全性的壓力,均紛紛轉向虛擬桌面平台做集中式管理。 提供一系列基於Linux操作系統的專業服務。提供的服務包括系統管理和維護,系統規劃,Linux諮詢服務和客製化應用程式的設計和開發。 我們的專業知識包括主要的 Linux 發行版:Red Hat, SuSE, Ubuntu, Oracle, CentOS, Debian. 以及 Debian on ARM

Products Info

Linux is the powerful operating system that has been taking the world by storm over the last few years. It has enabled the internet to flourish, and provided a cost effective platform for the servers, used to run mail servers, web servers, databases, and now is even challenging worldwide for the desktop operating system of choice.

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