


BRAVO iDEAS創意點子數位股份有限公司,成立於2012年,是一家以互動式影音創新技術為導向的台灣科技新創公司,透過創新技術帶來更好的購物體驗,目標成為全球互動式媒體的入口網站。 BRAVO iDEAS 創意點子始終以創新技術為導向,並秉直著“FUTURE IS NOW.”的信念。 在2012年榮獲經濟部中小企業處頒發第二屆「創業點子-星光大道」前10強,並獲得資策會 ideas show +組第一名。 BRAVO iDEAS 創意點子擁有包含台灣、大陸、美國、歐盟、東南亞各地區等,在48個國家超過31項關於互動式影音的發明專利,包括影音互動、混和實境、影像辨識、路徑導引……等。

Company Info

BRAVO iDEAS Digital Co., Ltd. is a Taiwanese technology startup company oriented by interactive audio and video innovation technology. It aims to become a portal for interactive media in the world through innovative technology to bring a better shopping experience. BRAVO iDEAS is always guided by innovative technology and adheres to the belief of “FUTURE IS NOW.” In 2012, he was awarded the top 10 “Startup Ideas – Avenue of Stars” by the Small and Medium Business Department of the Ministry of Ec


創意點子旗下互動式影音平台 ishowlife,將「隨看即買/邊看邊買」專利技術完美銜接直播內容與電子商務,結合直播、社群、商城與導購四種服務於一平台,提供:行動裝置 APP 下載、直播跨平台留言互動、完整金流刷卡加密消費機制、商品履約保證……等多重整合性功能,打破傳統電商平台限制,優化用戶體驗。

Products Info

iShowlife, the interactive audio-visual platform of Creative Ideas, combines the patented technology of “buy-and-buy/buy and buy” to link live content and e-commerce. It combines four services of live broadcast, community, mall and shopping guide to provide a platform for action. Multi-integration functions such as device APP download, live cross-platform message interaction, complete gold stream card encryption consumption mechanism, commodity fulfillment guarantee, etc., break the traditional.

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