


由一群在資訊安全密碼應用領域有十多年經驗,於2017年成立。目標是將安全更簡化,使得應用更安全。讓使用者在使用雲端或是物聯網的應用達到自主可控,不受到各種安全威脅或是隱私侵犯,就像關與楗的完美結合。 **團隊超過15年的IT安全領域專案與產品經驗. **具備硬體與軟體的研發與生產製造管理能力. **全系列產品MIT (Made in Taiwan) .

Company Info

KeyXentic Inc. is a professional mobile and data security service provider company and composed of experienced and enthusiastic experts. We are devoted to design convenient and strong security for user’s data protection and privacy without any compromise. We provide an all-around security solution from hardware integrated chip(IC), software to system integration consultant for customer’s requirements.


*身份認證-生物識別 (MOC) *身分驗證-PKI FIDO … *身份授權-Group Policy SAAS *資料安全-檔案安全,文件安全 建立資訊安全服務生態圈

Products Info

Data security and personal privacy should be in a more intuitive and convenient way without compromise. KeyXentic Inc. provides an one stop shop for your secure daily life. Platform free, multi-modal bio-authenticated and certified secure key is what you need.

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