


衛武資訊多年來在產業的實務經驗及技術能力,提供客戶豐富多元且賦能加值的服務,其服務範疇包括BIM技術顧問服務、BIM管理溝通平台WeBIMSync的SaaS產品訂閱與商用軟硬體經銷。衛武資訊是Microsoft 金級合作夥伴,亦是Surface 裝置經銷商,同時也是Autodesk授權的Solution Partner;衛武資訊是一個具備創新思考及充沛研發能力的全方位BIM團隊。 衛武資訊的服務精神是突破傳統思維,與時俱進,以推動產業數位轉型。

Company Info

WeBIM Services dedicates to build up value-added services via the methods of BIM technology, integrated IoT platforms, mobile devices, AR/VR/MR, Big Data, AI…, etc. The intention is to promote construction business to involve in Industry 4.0, reduce cost, enhance efficiency for accelerating smart manufacturing, and raise the general standards of information management.


衛武資訊以自行開發的資訊平台及BIM技術服務,結合 Azure 服務產品 IOT、AR/VR/MR、AI 等,並運用 Microsoft 軟硬體產品 Surface 系列與 HoloLens 2於工作現場,來促進傳統建築業新發展模式,推動建築產業參與第四次工業革命,提高產業資訊管理水準,降低成本,提高效率,催生產業智能化建造能力。

Products Info

By utilizing BIM to solve issues at construction sites, WeBIM Services develops and provides techniques and patents to assist clients, including BIM management platform and selected Microsoft & Autodesk hardware, software, and solution services, to help clients save resources, boost collaboration and increase their productivity.

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