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Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C. (CISA)

Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C., known as CISA, is Taiwan’s sole representative body of information service industries. Founded in 1983, CISA is one of the most time-honored hi-tech associations in Taiwan. Its 850 corporate members comprise domestic, international companies and R&D institutes in software development, distribution, information and network service businesses. With a full-fledged Secretariat, CISA keep around 130 full-time staffs to serve its members, promote IT, and work with the government.

CISA is the founding member of the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization(ASOCIO), and is a member on the Steering Committee of World Information Technology & Service Alliance(WITSA). Both organizations represent the Asia Oceania and the world information industries.


Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C., known as CISA, is Taiwan’s sole representative body of information service industries.
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