

  • 聯絡電話: 03-5831098
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臻達系統科技創立於西元2018年10月,為了提供給企業客戶最專業的技術支援,其團隊有近15年的資訊系統整合豐富經驗以及麥肯鍚顧問公司資深顧問進駐,本公司秉持著服務與專業創新的精神,提供符合產業需求的系統產品及本地化整合規劃服務. 服務內容如下: 智慧物聯網應用-如車牌辨識提供車主/停車場業者/地方政府具備智慧化、雲端化、高效的智慧停車服務。並結合人工智慧,透過軟硬體整合以及遠端監測功能優勢,規劃完整的智慧化解決方案. 提供跨國IoT,MES,工廠自動化系統,並提供後台資料庫DBA諮詢服務,為SAP,Oracle等大廠所指定合作之夥伴. 提供活動直播/活動攝影/影片剪輯/字卡圖片後製/器材租賃 服務對象為各大廠商/學校活動/節目直播/商品發表會等等..

Company Info

As a member of first team who sell the Taiwan Highway ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system to Vietnam and the global market. And also within more than 15 years McKinsey Consultant experiences on IT and corporate business services. We start up the Zhen-Ta System Technology since Oct. 2018. We are the strategic business partner of intel and Microsoft. Familiar with intel’s devices and total solutions, such as IoT, AIoT, Industry 4.0, especially in ITS (Intelligent Transportation System), Smart Home/Building, Smart Civil construction, and Smart City. We also co-work with Microsoft, build up the IoT and AIoT solutions on Microsoft Azure Cloud. In the meantime, we provide the professionals information technology and Database Administration (SQL, and Oracle) service for our clients. We are the best consult and IT service of SAP and Oracle in 2019 and 2020. In the Live Streaming business part, we are the only one partner in Asia who wins the certified by Google and Facebook in Asia area. We provide the hardware and total Live Streaming services for global clients, such as gogoro, Mi, Huawei, OPPO, Shanghai Fashion Show, CES show.


服務內容如下: 智慧物聯網應用-如車牌辨識提供車主/停車場業者/地方政府具備智慧化、雲端化、高效的智慧停車服務。並結合人工智慧,透過軟硬體整合以及遠端監測功能優勢,規劃完整的智慧化解決方案. 提供跨國IoT,MES,工廠自動化系統,並提供後台資料庫DBA諮詢服務,為SAP,Oracle等大廠所指定合作之夥伴. 提供活動直播/活動攝影/影片剪輯/字卡圖片後製/器材租賃 服務對象為各大廠商/學校活動/節目直播/商品發表會等等..

Products Info

As a member of first team who sell the Taiwan Highway ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) system to Vietnam and the global market. And also within more than 15 years McKinsey Consultant experiences on IT and corporate business services. We also co-work with Microsoft, build up the IoT and AIoT solutions on Microsoft Azure Cloud. In the meantime, we provide the professionals information technology and Database Administration (SQL, and Oracle) service for our clients. We are the best consult and IT service of SAP and Oracle in 2019 and 2020. In the Live Streaming business part, we are the only one partner in Asia who wins the certified by Google and Facebook in Asia area. We provide the hardware and total Live Streaming services for global clients, such as gogoro, Mi, Huawei, OPPO, Shanghai Fashion Show, CES show.

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