


創新、品質、競爭力 精英電腦成立于1987年,為全球電腦產品專業設計、製造之領導廠商,產品包含主機板、顯示卡、桌上型、筆記本電腦以及行動設備如個人多媒體播放機等,以兼具創新、品質與具有競爭力的產品來滿足消費者求新求變的需求。 精英電腦在過去將近30年的歲月中,走過創業時的艱辛,也歷經營運高成長以及業務快速擴張的喜悅。我們深信創新技術才能為產品創造價值。完整的品質管控,讓客戶無後顧之憂,放心地與我們長期合作。

Company Info

Founded in 1987, ECS, the Elitegroup Computer Systems, is a top-notch manufacturer and supplier of several families of computer products in the industry. With almost 30 years of experience, ECS not only produces high-quality products such as motherboards, desktops, notebook computers, graphics cards, and other mobile products but also provides customized computer programming and hardware/ software design service for a wide variety of customers.


精英電腦除了運用新技術開發新產品,在產品設計、設備製造、零件供應系統、銷售與庫存管理上也隨著企業規模的擴大而不斷更新。我們積極在企業建構完整的知識管理系統,將每一筆資料累積成為專業知識,並轉化為智慧,為永續經營儲備能量。 目前,精英電腦擁有四大製造中心,分佈在中國以及墨西哥。其中3座位於中國深圳與蘇州,從PC版、相關零件生產到電腦組裝,完全符合ISO9001、以及14001規定並取得認證。並且全面導入符合世界環保潮流的IECQ QC080000生產與流程,做到4大無毒管控:『無毒供應商』、『無毒物料』、『無毒制程』和『無毒品質』的管控。

Products Info

As a top-down decision, ECS dedicates to offering clean and environmentally friendly computer products for consumers through product design, purchase, production, sale, and services to the 3R environmental objectives – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The ECS engineering teams are engaged to create products under a Green concept by size reduction, product longevity, easy disassembly, recycle potential, substance restriction and energy saving.

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