


從1992年源一資訊草創起,【源遠流長,一心服務】的理念便在我們心中紮根,秉持這個理念,我們已走過了28個年頭。初期以自行研發的營建業ERP系統軟體,建立起研發卓越之商用系統軟體公司的信譽。1996年開始積極運用3D虛擬實境的技術,成功地開發出第一套應用於空間設計領域的專業繪圖軟體「空間魔法師Space Magician」,不但榮獲第二屆國家品質「金牌獎」,亦取得中華民國專利發明第125375號。源一資訊以「結合創意科技,共創優質生活」為目標,絲毫不敢鬆懈,尋求使用者的意見與回饋,投入全力研發更人性化、更擬真、更全方位的"智慧3D空間設計軟體"。我們也延伸最初創立的服務理念,提供客戶完整的教學

Company Info

Founded in May 1992, Win-e Technology first focused on the businesses related to construction. Win-e Technology developed and launched its spatial design software named "Space Magician" in 1997. The program uses virtual reality technology to demonstrate the magic and charm of spatial design by means of 3D technology and user-friendly operations. Looking ahead, Win-e Technology will continue to devote its efforts to developing products that come even closer to meeting the needs of its customers.


「空間魔法師」智慧3D空間設計軟體,上市已24周年。提供互動溝通平台,立即呈現完整設計理念,2D平面圖即時做3D透視呈現,可於3D空間中動態遊走、錄製動畫與360°VR環景導覽;不但縮短作圖時間,快速提案、更提昇設計作業能力與接案成效。特色1.易於學習:只要16小時,即能上手。2.繪圖快速:中文介面,人性化直覺式操作。3. 2D與3D同時呈現:一個繪製步驟,同時呈現2D平面圖與3D透視圖。4. 出圖秒速。5.與CAD/Max 相容。6.內建萬種並與業界合作的建材貼圖與模型庫。7.一鍵產生三視圖,自動標註尺寸 ! 。8.櫥櫃精靈、智慧設計。9.目前版本CS1有專業版、精華版、菁英版、教育版。

Products Info

Space Magician is an interior design program utilizing 3D virtual reality(VR)technology. Users can draw 2D graphs in a 2D window, while the system simultaneously produces a 3D interior space. Users can also select furniture and other objects from the databases provided, which offer greater flexibility and independence to spatial planning. The program also comes with a 3D editing system and a powerful 2D/3D interaction mode that enable users to edit their own creations of 3D objects.

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