


羅昇集團成立於1984年,是亞洲傳動控制領域卓越品牌通路商。"卓越品牌通路商"是指與世界傳動控制領域卓越品牌的製造廠商建立緊密的合作關係,考察、篩選並引進國際先進產品和技術,通過羅昇的自身技術及資源,把單一產品或集成產品以及增值服務,透過羅昇整合平台傳遞給客戶。因此,羅昇集團不僅為上游廠商销售產品,並為其及時提供有關市場動態及產品開發的資訊;對於下游客戶,羅昇集團不僅能提供多樣化品牌、完整的產品線,一次性購買的服務(One-Stop Shopping),而且提供客戶全面的技術服務與物流解決方案(Total Solution),幫助客戶降低成本與風險。

Company Info

Founded in 1984, ACE PILLAR Co., Ltd. is a leading industrial automation company and recognized as the most valued provider in the market. With the ISO-9001 certified in 2002, ACE PILLAR is approved of its consistent and superior quality in customer service as well as assurance of high quality products. We are a reliable distributor of automatic mechatronics components as well as a professional provider of technical service for the automation manufactures and customers.


羅昇以OT (營運技術)、IT(資訊技術)、CT(通訊技術)三方進行技術整合,聚焦在智慧工廠、智慧醫療、智慧商店,以旗下代理的全球頂級機電設備與軟體對應以上三大領域的解決方案

Products Info

Integrate technology with OT (operational technology), IT (information technology), and CT (communication technology), focusing on smart factories, smart medical care, and smart stores. The world's top electromechanical equipment and software represented by the company correspond to the above three fields solution

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