


集邦科技(TrendForce) 是一家提供市場深入分析和產業諮詢服務的專業研究機構,同時也是產業資訊媒介平台。現今全球註冊會員已超過500,000名,聚集來自各大新興、科技產業圈人脈。集邦科技每年在深圳及台北等地舉辦至少五場以上的國際研討會,會中除了發表最新產業研究成果及剖析市場最新的發展趨勢外,同時也提供業界人士一個互相交流、並可全方位拓展商機的平台。

Company Info

TrendForce is a global leader in providing in-depth market intelligence and professional consultation services for clients across a diverse range of industries. Additionally, TrendForce has established itself as a robust platform for exchanging vital market information among firms in different sectors. With a worldwide membership base of more than 500,000 subscribers, TrendForce has built strong relations with clients engaging in major and newly emerged technology fields.


集邦科技(TrendForce)為具備全球高科技產業深度分析能力, 並提供企業顧問諮詢服務的專業研究機構。研究領域橫跨IC設計、製造、封測、DRAM、Flash等半導體產業;消費性電子領域則包括穿戴式裝置、智慧型手機、平板、筆電、液晶監視器、液晶電視等;顯示面板研究範疇涵蓋a-Si、LTPS、AMOLED、Oxide、觸控等最新產品開發技術與市場脈動;綠能產業包括LED、照明市場、太陽能、電動車與鋰電池等;前瞻科技則涵蓋汽車科技、機器人/無人機、5G通訊、寬頻網路、IoT、AI、數位經濟、生物科技與科技醫療產業等。

Products Info

"TrendForce is a professional research institute providing in-depth analyses into the global high-tech market and consulting services for businesses. TrendForce has long been a leader in semiconductor research and offers critical intelligence on subjects such as IC production (i.e., design, fabrication, and assembly/testing) and memory technologies (i.e., DRAM and NAND Flash). In the area of display technology, TrendForce tracks developments across the entire panel supply chain (e.g., upstream

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