


宏碁雲架構服務股份有限公司 (英文簡稱eDC,e-Enabling Data Center) 由宏碁(股)公司投資創立,主要提供企業專業的電子化資訊管理服務。自西元2000年成立至今,在國內素有盛名,不但是國內資訊服務產業的標竿企業,在機房維運管理的經驗,亦是企業與政府機關的首選考量。

Company Info

Acer e-Enabling Data Center (eDC), a business unit of Acer Inc., was established in May 2000. The major business of Acer eDC includes various types of infrastructure operation services, ranging from data center collocation and managed hosting, outsourced IT-operation services such as network and system management, data backup & disaster recovery, and IT-security services.


宏碁雲架構投入國內資訊服務多年,除已整合機房、系統、網路、資安之維運管理能力外,隨著雲端服務隨取即用的需求及巨量資料各種應用的崛起,宏碁雲架構也持續自行開發了各種服務解決方案。以「硬+軟+雲端應用」的概念,開發設計CSP雲端管理平台、SAFE 3.0資安日誌保存與稽核系統、大數據管理平台服務,將多元的產品服務快速導入市場,提供客戶最適當的產品服務。

Products Info

Acer eDC has invested in information services for many years. In addition to the Data Center, system, network, and security management capabilities, with the demand for cloud services and applications, the Acer eDC architecture Continuously developed various service solutions. With the concept of "Iaas、Paas、SaaS", we develop and design CSP cloud management platform, SAFE3.0 Log Management, Big data management platform service ,

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